Additional Resources

Below is a list of additional reousrces that we think you would be interested in. These resources include case studies, additional videos and articles that you might be interested in.


How to help your pup with separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is on the rise with many pet owners returning to work. Here are some tips on how to help your pup stay calm while you’re away.
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Pharmacological treatments for separation anxiety: they’re all the same, right? Puddin’ says “no!”

Separation anxiety is an emotional and behavioral disorder that creates distress not only in pets, but also their caregivers. 
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Training skills to decrease the level of distress for a dog with separation anxiety

In this video, Kayla offers insight into training skills to decrease the level of distress for a dog with separation anxiety.
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Case Studies

Case Study - Puddin’s Story

A behavior case study focusing on medication choices, training programs, setbacks, and recovery.
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Case Study - Lola's Story

Lola’s Fear, Anxiety and Stress Score was 4/5. Her clinic team and owners worked together to calm her down and improve her quality of life. Reconcile®️️ (fluoxetine hydrochloride) helped.
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Visit the Behavior Buzzzzzz podcast with Dr Amy Pike and Dr Amy Learn to “bee” informed about all things behavior-related.

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